Read more +04 September 2024 By Brendan in LERN News

Pioneering Sessions

Here’s what new and pioneering sessions lead the advanced practical how-to sessions for the LERN Annual Conference, Nov.  18-21, 2024. -Authentic Programming, with Aviva Hillenbrand; Minneapolis, MN -No-cost Search Optimization, with Goher Murtaza, CPP; New York, NY -Using Social Media for Needs Assessment, with Travette Webster, Houston, TX -Data-based Email Promotions, with Dawn Prosser; Frederickton,
Read more +04 September 2024 By Brendan in LERN News

No Excuses: You Must Be Data-Driven

The new LERN Dashboard has changed the field of lifelong learning and continuing education forever.  You must be data-driven now. For the first time ever, your program has No-Excuses. You now have the numbers, the averages, the benchmarks for what your program can achieve. You can see what the Top 25% of programs in your
Read more +04 September 2024 By Brendan in LERN News

2025 In-Person Conference

Experience the intimate networking and discussion with your colleagues and leaders in the field. The LERN 2025 in-person conference will be March 18-20, 2025, in San Antonio, Texas. We will be right on the famous Riverwalk. The hotel offers a casual setting in the middle of the history and tradition of old San Antonio. The
Read more +04 September 2024 By Brendan in LERN News

Grab Attention with Slogans and Tag Lines

Only 20% of programs have a slogan or tagline on the cover of the brochure, LERN consultant Jordan Kivley has found. Both slogans and taglines grab the reader’s interest. Marketing experts confirm that the key to generating engagement with your promotions is through eliciting an emotional response, which both slogans and taglines can do. And
Read more +04 September 2024 By Brendan in LERN News

The Best Marketing: Testimonials

Testimonials are the best marketing. The abundance of neighbors-talking-over-the-fence in commercials is proof enough that testimonials work. In our field of lifelong learning, testimonials are seen as authentic. They are recognized by potential participants as actually coming from a real past customer (as they always do). Include testimonials in email promotions, as videos, as social
Read more +04 September 2024 By Brendan in LERN News

New Services This Year

Leading the field, here are some of the exclusive new LERN member services being developed and offered for 2025. 1.Interest Group Networking. Individuals with member organizations can sign up for one or more Interest Groups at no charge. This year each Interest Group will meet online up to 3 times to network, hear from top