Savannah International Trade & Convention Center (Savannah, GA)
Tuesday, Nov. 6 (free seminars day) through Friday noon, Nov. 9, 2018
The 2018 LERN Annual Conference will be held at the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center.
LERN has group room blocks with 8 hotels from which you can choose, with rates between $129 and $195 per night. See Hotels tab below.
Complimentary shuttles from LERN approved hotels to the Convention Center will be available each day or you can take the riverboat shuttle across the Savannah River to the hotel and see the sights.
Back by popular demand! Pre-conference seminars will be free at the 2018 LERN Annual Conference for those staying in approved LERN room blocks.
Registrations are rolling in. Additional hotel rooms are being added.
Exciting new information will premiere. For conference updates, go to our Home Page at www.lern.org
Final Brochure: 2018 LERN Annual Conference
2018 LERN Annual Conference Agenda
Keynote Speaker
Richard Hardon, entrepreneur, motivator, business leadership consultant
UP! 5 Steps for Explosive Growth and Success
No, don’t just come because you can sit outside the convention center overlooking the river and re-energize yourself in the normal 70 degree weather in November in Savannah.
Here’s Why You Should Come
Here’s what a few of your colleagues said about last year’s conference.
“This was my first LERN Conference and it was a Fantastic Experience. I especially liked the interactive app.” –Mariza Olmos, Ft. Worth, Texas
“LERN’s annual conference lives up to LERN’s mantra…”Information that Works!”. If your budget is limited, this is the conference you want to attend!”
– Robert Leslie, Spartanburg, SC
“The Conference was a smashing success. I can’t wait for next year.” –Danell Reilly, Corpus Christi, Texas
“Everyone should be able to come to a LERN conference! Operations and program development will run smoother and allow for an increase in margins and bottom line revenue!” –Cheryl Stiglmeier, Lihue, Hawaii
“The investment is well worth it.”
– Gabriele Janes, Toronto
“We take back so many ideas and ways to increase revenue that we can implement right away!”
– Donna Chant, Munster, IN
To summarize, participants get a 10:1 return on their investment by coming to the LERN Annual Conference. The conference doesn’t cost money; it makes your program money.
If you’ve never been to a LERN conference, some 43% of the attendees each year are first-timers, so welcome. You will get the ratios for success in your field, the benchmarks, the most practical, how-to information available anywhere.
If you have been before, the 2018 Annual Conference will feature the latest, most advanced information as your program rapidly changes to serve the new generations and society of the 21st century.
New Themes
Partnerships – new sessions on the hottest growth area in programming right now
Integrated Marketing – the latest on this growing, advanced and most effective strategy
This Year’s SuperStars
Richard Hardon
Named one of the world’s top 100 speakers by Toastmasters
Opening Keynote: “Up! 5 Steps for Explosive Growth and Success”
Nicole Siscaretti Doyle
Social media guru and teacher
“Instagram,” “Advanced Social Media,” “Social Media: Where to Start,”
Joe Ingle
Nominated twice for a Nobel Peace Prize
“Making Change”
New Session Formats
Multiple concurrent session formats from which to choose.
Engaged Sessions: LERN makes history in creating a whole new interactive format.
Roundtables: Two every session for small discussions and participation.
Panels: Your colleagues from top programs share their successes.
Experts: The best experts provide fast paced hard hitting and practical best practices.
New Information
Don’t let your program fall behind.
- More than 35 new sessions
- The Best Brochure Ideas for 2019
- New Growth Markets
- The Best Promotion Ideas of the Year
- International Award Winners for 2019
- …..and much much more.
Information not available anywhere else on these and other critical topics
– Summer Camps – Management and Leadership
– Advanced Marketing – Productivity
– Benchmarks & Ratios for Success – Strategic Planning
– Programming – Finances and Pricing
– Contract Training – Social Media
– New Skills
Welcome to the most exciting week of the year in lifelong learning!
Here’s an overview of the Agenda.
The pdf of the final brochure, available on the main conference web page on June 15, has all the 72 concurrent sessions, SuperStar presenters, Engaged Sessions, Roundtables, and more.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018 | Time |
Conference Seminar Registration Conference registration begins at 10:00 am |
7:30 am – 9:00 am |
Exhibits Open | |
Conference Seminars FREE when staying in the LERN hotel room block 3 nights; $195 if staying elsewhere |
8:30 am – 3:00 pm |
New! Advanced Digital Marketing with Susan Hurrell. Advance registration required. | 8:30 am – 3:00 pm |
New! Winning Customer Service Techniques with Fred Bayley. Advance registration required. | 8:30 am – 3:00 pm |
Hot! Your One Year Market Plan with Greg Marsello. Advance registration required. | 8:30 am – 3:00 pm |
Classic! Designing Brochures for Results with Brendan Marsello. Advance registration required. | 8:30 am – 3:00 pm |
New! From Instructor to Facilitator with Kassia Dellabough. Advance registration required. | 8:30 am – 3:00 pm |
Always A Hit! Youth Programming and Summer Camps with Laura Wetherald. Advance registration required. | 8:30 am – 3:00 pm |
15th Annual Augusoft Lumens® User Summit** Held in conjunction with the LERN Conference, this two-day technology summit at the Hyatt Regency Hotel provides attendees with in-depth learning on multiple aspects of the Lumens software. | |
Conference Registration | 10:00 am – 5:00 pm |
All-Conference Reception in the Exhibit Area Our welcome to you and to the conference. Come meet each other, have a Southern beverage, and visit with this year’s exhibitors. | 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm |
LERN Leader Meeting For LERN members interested in knowing more about LERN. Every member is welcome. No additional charge. | 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm |
Emerging Leaders Meeting For any Gen Y conference attendee under the age of 39. No additional fee to attend. | 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm |
Getting the Most from the LERN Conference Especially relevant for first time attendees. | 3:30 pm – 4:00 pm |
Get to Know Savannah Buses (complimentary) leave the Convention Center back to your LERN hotel. Or have fun riding a water taxi back across the river. | 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm |
Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018 | |
Buses (complimentary) leave from your LERN hotel to the Convention Center. Or take the water taxi across the river. | |
Conference registration | 7:00 am - 4:00 pm |
Exhibits Open | 7:30 am |
Opening Session
| 8:00 am - 9:50 am |
Break— Hall of Learning and LERN Central. Refreshments, networking, exhibits and the Hall of Learning. | 9:50 am - 10:20 am |
Concurrent Sessions | 10:20 - 11:10 am |
Concurrent Sessions | 11:20 - 12:10 pm |
Professional Development, Networking Luncheon and Certification Awards* | 12:10 - 1:30 pm |
Break— Hall of Learning. Poster displays, software demonstrations, brochure table, refreshments. | 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm |
Concurrent Sessions | 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm |
Concurrent Sessions Buses (complimentary) leave the Convention Center back to your LERN hotel. Or have fun riding a water taxi back across the river. | 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm |
New! Meeting for Operations staff people., | 4:00 pm – 4:50 pm |
President’s Reception – hotel side of the river ** Meet the leaders of LERN.Your $10 is good for your first drink and some appetizers. Advance registration requested. | 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm |
Thursday, November 8, 2018 | |
Buses (complimentary) leave from your LERN hotel to the Convention Center. Or take the water taxi across the river. | |
Hall of Learning and Exhibits Open | 8:00 am |
Concurrent Sessions | 8:00 am - 8:50 am |
Concurrent Sessions | 9:00 am – 9:50 am |
Break— Hall of Learning and LERN Central. More poster displays, great brochures, demos. | 9:50 am - 10:20 am |
Concurrent Sessions | 10:20 am - 11:10 am |
Concurrent Sessions | 11:20 pm - 12:10 pm |
*International Awards Luncheon. Some call it the highlight of the conference | 12:10 pm - 1:30 pm |
Exhibits close. | 12:10 pm |
Concurrent Sessions Buses (complimentary) leave the Convention Center back to your LERN hotel. Or have fun riding a water taxi back across the river. | 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm |
Briefing for UGotClass Partners | 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm |
Friday, November 9, 2018 | |
Buses (complimentary) leave from your LERN hotel to the Convention Center. Or take the water taxi across the river. | |
Concurrent Sessions | 8:00 am – 8:50 am |
Just for you. Personal & Professional Development Sessions | 9:00 am - 9:50 am |
General Session. All New! Nine Shift for 2019: The Knowledge Society Takes Over | 10:00 am - 11:30 am |
CPP Exam | 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm |
Evening Last chance for a great restaurant and socializing. Enjoy your last evening in Savannah. |
*Event included in the Full registration fee. Extra fee for those registering at the Basic level.
**Extra fee. Event not included in conference registration.
All day intensive advanced seminars with the best experts on Tuesday Nov. 6. FREE if you are staying in the LERN room block for 3 or more days; $195 each if you are staying elsewhere.
Last year over 300 people attended the seminars! So this year we have 3 new topics, plus 3 of our most popular seminars. Seminars start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. Lunch not included. Advance Registration required so you have a seat reserved for you.
New! Advanced Digital Marketing
With so many different channels, discover how to get your audience to tune in to your message and crank up the volume on success. Come learn how to integrate comprehensive strategies, implement best practice tactics and increase ROI on your digital marketing investment.
We start with firming up your foundational knowledge, then move to advanced insights and tools for more experienced digital marketers. We’ll drill down into SEO, Analytics, Content Marketing and Results Reporting, plus touch on the major digital platforms you should be using today for better results tomorrow.
Take away the latest most advanced digital marketing strategies from one of North America’s foremost digital marketing experts in the field of lifelong learning.
Susan Hurrell is an expert digital marketer with the nationally known firm Neovation of Winnipeg. She also presents LERN’s Digital Marketing Institute.
Always popular! Youth Programs/Summer Camps
Get the latest information on improving your summer camp, kids’ college, child and youth programming.
Summer camps are one of the most profitable activities in community programming today, generating over $3 million a summer for the most successful programs.
Find out the current and most advanced strategies from some of the top practitioners in lifelong learning programming. Learn when to mail your brochure, payment plans, topics trends, and more.
Take home tips from other successful practitioners on marketing, programming and running profitable youth programs.
Relevant for programmers in any institutional setting.
Laura Wetherald, Howard County Parks and Recreation Department, Columbia, Maryland, runs the largest Summer Camp program in North America, generating $3 million a summer just from summer camps.
The Classic! Designing Brochures for Results
For most programs, your print brochure or catalog generates 70% of your registrations and income, even with online registration. And it represents your image to the vast majority of your audience.
Get specific, no cost ideas to improve your brochure with our most popular seminar led by a print marketing authority.
Discover what you are doing right. Then find out areas to enhance your brochure’s effectiveness.
Find out about: Front and back covers, page design, copy, prime space, boosting registrations, and more.
You’ll come away from this seminar with tips and techniques to increase income, save on costs and increase enrollments. Just one of our tips has increased past participants’ registrations by 5 percent.
Brendan Marsello of LERN critiques hundreds of lifelong learning program brochures every year.
Developing Your One-Year Market Plan
More critical now than ever for your program is to develop or improve a one-year marketing plan. It is guide all of your staff follow.
The plan must be specific and measurable. It serves as a road map for your organization and boosting your success.
Learn formulas and reports to use, benchmarks on what’s possible, the 3 things missing from most plans, measuring your plan’s success, and more….
Afterwards, you will be able to take immediate actions toward creating or improving your one-year marketing plan. You’ll have the tools to compete, and win, in this tough competitive environment.
Greg Marsello, LERN’s top consultant, has visited programs all over Canada and the U.S. every week, consulting and training staff.
New! Winning Customer Service Techniques
Happy Customers equals more income. The easiest way to grow programs is for your current customers return more often. The key is high quality customer service. Explore the simple techniques that will elevate your customer service to extraordinary. You will learn innovative ways to strengthen your customers’ relationships. Understanding the customer’s journey will tell you what you are missing. You will walk away from this session with new ideas that will increase your bottom line and increase registrations.
Fred Bayley is a customer service expert who teaches an extraordinary customer service class online for programs all over Canada and the U.S.
New! From Instructors to Facilitators
Today’s instructor is no longer the sage on the stage delivering information. Instead, today’s teachers must involve learners in every class meeting and in every way. That includes creating content, leading discussions, student presentations, even in peer group assessment.
With new eTools and strategies for helping today’s learner, your instructors also need to engage their learners in teacher-led delivery of information, gaining feedback and involvement.
Learn how to move from teacher-led information to learner-centered engaged learning. Discover how to facilitate curiosity and motivation in your classes. Take away new tools and simple techniques to apply immediately.
Kassia Dellabough is one of the foremost pioneers in the area of engaged learning. She teaches in-person, teaches online, and has presented all over the country on teaching and presentation techniques.
With the LERN conference being held at the Savannah Trade Center, you have 8 great hotels from which to choose, with conference rates of just $129 – $195.
Top Reasons to Book Your Room in the LERN Block
Make Your Hotel Reservation Here. To get your LERN room rate, registration discount and FREE seminar, use the Savannah Convention Bureau’s Housing Department’s Passkey system. Click the Reserve a Hotel button below.
To make a reservation by phone, you may call 912-644-6465, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.
The 8 Hotels
Hyatt Regency, 2 West Bay Street, $195 a night single/double.
LERN has designated the Hyatt as the headquarter hotel, and site of the Lumens/Augusoft User Summit. The hotel straddles two of the most popular streets for dining and bar hopping, Bay and River Streets. It is also the hotel closest to the water taxi stop that goes directly to the Trade Center.
More Info
125 rooms at LERN rate; Rate before and after conference dates is $195; complimentary wifi in guest room; Triple $220; Quad $245; parking $31/day; Brand: Hyatt Regency.
Hotel Indigo, 201 West Bay Street, $189 single/double Nov 3-8
Indigo’s location is ideal for shopping, dining, and night life since it is the hotel closest to Market Square with restaurants and bars and to the more well-known retailers located on Broughton Street.
More Info
100 rooms at LERN rate; Rate for Nov 3 also $189, rate for nights of Nov 9-10, $209; Triple and Quad rates also $189 Nov 3-8; Complimentary wifi in guest rooms; parking $30/day; Pets $75/pet; Brand: IHG.
The Kimpton Brice, 601 East Bay Street, $189 single/double Nov. 4-8
The lobby feels like an inviting living room where everyone meets at 5 p.m. daily for a complimentary glass of wine and each morning for a cup of complimentary coffee or tea. Enjoy the use of a complimentary bicycle or bring your pet at no extra cost.
More Info
80 rooms at LERN rate; Rate for Nov 3 $319, rate for nights of Nov 9-10 $189 for first ten rooms, then $319; Triple and Quad rates also $189 Nov 4-8; Rewards members get complimentary wifi in guest room; parking $29/day; Complimentary evening reception; complimentary coffee and tea in lobby in morning;(already stated above) very pet friendly; complimentary bicycle use; Brand: IHG.
Courtyard by Marriott Savannah Downtown, 415 West Liberty Street, $129
A great place to stay while saving money. It’s also the closest hotel to the Crystal Beer Parlor, The Public Kitchen and Bar, J. Christopher’s, and Mrs. Wilkes Dining Room, all of which serve up great food and are adored by the local populace!
More Info
35 rooms at LERN rate; Rate for Nov 3 and nights of Nov 9-10 also just $129; Triple and Quad also just $129; Complimentary wifi in guest rooms; parking $20/day; breakfast buffet discounted to $6.95 per person; Brand: Marriott.
Homewood Suites by Hilton Savannah Historic District, 611 East River Street, $169 Nov 4-8
An all-suite experience, roof top bars with entertainment, and great views of the river. Each suite has one bed, one sofa bed, and a complete kitchen. It is just a short walk to the water taxi and the first stop after the taxi leaves the Trade Center.
More Info
30 rooms at LERN rate; room rate $219 for Nov 3 and nights of Nov 9-10; Triple and Quad rate also $169 for Nov 4-8; complimentary wifi in guest rooms; complimentary breakfast; complimentary evening reception Mon-Thurs; all suite hotel with kitchens, one bed and one sofa bed; roof top bar with fire pit and music; laundry facility; parking $26/day; Brand: Hilton.
Hampton Inn Savannah Historic District, 201 East Bay Street, $175 single/double Nov 4-8.
This hotel and its sister property across the street sold out first for our last convention here. You’ll get an upgraded experience compared to the same hotel outside Savannah along with a great rate and excellent location.
More Info
30 rooms at LERN rate; room rate $309 for Nov 3 and $229 for nights of Nov 9-10; Triple and Quad also $175 for Nov 4-8; complimentary wifi in guest rooms; complimentary breakfast; complimentary coffee and tea in lobby in morning; parking $22/day; Brand: Hilton.
Holiday Inn Express Savannah-Historic District, 199 East Bay Street, $170 Nov 4-8.
This hotel and its sister property across the street sold out first for our last convention here. You’ll get an upgraded experience compared to the same hotel outside Savannah along with a great rate and excellent location.
More Info
20 rooms at LERN rate; room rate $309 for Nov 3 and $229 for nights of Nov 9-10; Triple and Quad also $170 for Nov 4-8; complimentary wifi in guest rooms; complimentary breakfast; complimentary coffee and tea in lobby in morning; parking $22/day; Brand: IHG.
River Street Inn, 124 East Bay Street, $159 single/double Nov 4-8
A great location and a historic hotel. It’s located in what was a 200 year old cotton warehouse and is listed with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. It is also a very short walk to the water taxi stop that goes directly to the Trade Center.
More Info
20 rooms at LERN rate; Triple $174, Quad $189 for Nov 4-8; Rooms not available for Nov 3, rate is $219 for nights of Nov 9-10; hotel is recognized as a historic hotel; complimentary evening reception with full bar and snacks; complimentary coffee and tea in lobby in morning; parking $22/day.
The DeSoto Savannah by Sotherly, 15 East Liberty Street, $148 single/double Nov 4-10
This elegant hotel is LERN’s most often used hotel for meetings in Savannah and is located a short walking distance to The Public Kitchen and Bar, J. Christopher’s, and Mrs. Wilkes Dining Room, all of which serve up great food and are adored by the local populace! Just across the street is an excellent wine bar, In Vino Veritas with daily specials.
More Info
Rates for November 4th through and including November 10th are: $148 for single or double occupancy, $158 for Triple, $168 for Quad. Rates for November 3rd only are: $239 Single or Double occupancy, $249 for Triple, $259 for Quad.
Early Bird Pricing Ends 8/10/2018 |
Early Bird Pricing Ends 8/10/2018 |
Standard Pricing after 8/10/2018 |
Standard Pricing after 8/10/2018 |
Staying In LERN Room Block | Staying Elsewhere | Staying In LERN Room Block | Staying Elsewhere | |
Member, No Meals | $795 | $895 | $895 | $995 |
Member, 2 Luncheons | $895 | $995 | $995 | $1,095 |
Non-Member, No Luncheons | $995 | $1,095 | $1,095 | $1,195 |
Non-Member, 2 Luncheons | $1,095 | $1,195 | $1,195 | $1,295 |
Third Person Free, No Luncheons | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Third Person Free, 2 Luncheons | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 |
PRE-Conference Seminars Included in the LERN Room Block | ||||
Staying In LERN Room Block | Staying Elsewhere | Staying In LERN Room Block | Staying Elsewhere | |
New! Advanced Digital Marketing | $0 | $195 | $0 | $195 |
Professional Development Networking Luncheon | $0 | $195 | $0 | $195 |
Always Hot! Youth Programming and Summer Camps | $0 | $195 | $0 | $195 |
New! Winning Customer Service Techniques | $0 | $195 | $0 | $195 |
Hot! Your One Year Market Plan | $0 | $195 | $0 | $195 |
There Are Six Easy Ways To Register
The phones are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CT) Monday-Friday.”]
24 hours a day to (888) 234-8633″]
LERN Conference Registration
P.O. Box 9
River Falls, WI 54022″]
Exhibitors add to your conference experience with a variety of products and services geared just for lifelong learning programs.
There is no additional charge to the exhibit area for conference attendees. Last year, more than 20 exhibitors were at the LERN Annual Conference.
Platinum Level
Augusoft, Inc. – Minneapolis, MN
“Augusoft®, Inc., develops and maintains Lumens®– the first SaaS cloud based enrollment management system. Complementing traditional academic systems, Lumens is designed for continuing, community, corporate education and workforce development programs in the US and Canada. Visit www.augusoft.net
to see Lumens in action.”
Gold Level
University of South Dakota Master’s Degree Program – Vermillion, SD
Explore the online convenience, affordable tuition and accredited academics from the University of South Dakota. First opening in the 1870s, USD is a public, four-year institution with nationally recognized and ranked programs. With over 40 online program options, there is a program for you. Visit www.usd.edu/onlineor call 800-233-7937.
Entrinsik – Raleigh, NC
Enrole’s software as a service, cloud platform, for registration, course management, e-commerce and robust reporting, automates daily functions enabling your team to focus on workload, not processes. Entrinsik leverages over 30 years of experience emphasizing flexibility, scalability, reliability, and utilizes best-practices learned from non-credit continuing, professional and workforce education. www.entrinsik.com/enrole
Eleyo – St. Paul Park, MN
Eleyo makes running enrichment and community education programs easier through an all-in-one solution that handles program registration, invoicing, attendance tracking, and reporting. Our on
line portal makes it easy for the community to register and make payments for the programs they participate in, allowing administrators to spend more time improving programs. www.eleyo.com
Black Rocket – Freehold, NJ
Black Rocket has been providing cutting edge technology classes to youth program providers for over 15 years. We offer over 20 STEAM-based courses that are powered by a child’s innate imagination and designed to bring their ideas to life. www.blackrocket.com
Silver Level
UGotClass by LERN – River Falls, WI
Xenegrade Corporation – St. Petersburg, FL
CampDoc.com – Ann Arbor, MI
Data To Design – Bellows Falls, VT
Development Dimensions International, Inc – Bridgeville, PA
ASAP – Bloomington, MN
ACEware Systems, Inc. – Manhattan, KS
Human Resource Certification Preparation – Provo, UT
MyEducator -Orem, UT
The Center for Legal Studies – Evergreen, CO
Darwill – Hillside, IL
Labyrinth Learning – Excelsior, MN
Career Step – Lehi, UT
Condensed Curriculum International Inc. – Fairfield, NJ
Fullstack Education – New York, NY
Exhibit Schedule
Tuesday, Nov 6 Exhibits open
Tuesday, Nov 6, 3:00 – 3:30 All-Conference Reception in the Exhibit Area
Wednesday, Nov 7, Exhibits Open 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Thursday, Nov 8, Exhibits Open 7:30 a.m. – Noon
Want to exhibit? Click here for Exhibitor information and application.
Please Note: Rooms in the LERN room block may sell out in advance of the October 15 cutoff date, so make your hotel reservation as soon as possible. Room rates do not include taxes or fees. Hotels will not accept purchase orders for reservations.
Make Your Hotel Reservation Here. To get your LERN room rate, registration discount and FREE seminar, use the Savannah Convention Bureau’s Housing Department’s Passkey system. Click the Reserve a Hotel button below.
To make a reservation by phone, you may call 912-644-6465, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.