Thank you for your work this year!

You made enormous contributions to your community and audience this year. You stressed out. You lost money. People bitched. Yet your sacrifice has paid off in ways you know not.

New! Contact Tracing

Make money and serve your community with LERN’s new Contact Tracing Training Program.

SQL Now Monthly

SQL, one of the four certificates in LERN’s new Data Science program, is now being offered monthly, year round.

Top #1 Priority: You

You can’t take care of your community if you don’t take care of yourself, LERN’s Senior Vice President Julie Coates warns.

Personal $ Tips

Having been through numerous recessions over the past 50 years, LERN offers you this Optional information regarding your personal finances in the pandemic.

COI Largest Ever

More Certified Online Instructors (COI) have been certified this year than any year since its founding twenty years ago.

Happy Trends

The happy news continues for December. Enjoy.

Fall Session Historic

Historic, and pioneering. That’s the Fall 2020 session. You are not only seeing the first full session responding to the ongoing pandemic situation. You also are seeing the first session fully addressing online classes.

LERN Saves The Field

The field of lifelong learning was saved, once again, by LERN this Fall 2020. We were the only organization or person to recommend you keep your print brochure.

You Set Another Record!

You generated a record number of UGotClass registrations for September. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Over 100 organizations and over 2,000 individuals will be attending!

Your 2021 Game Plan

It’s now time to look at your program’s game plan for 2021. With the uncertainty of the pandemic situation either continuing or in fluctuation, your programming needs to reflect the reality of that external environment.

UGotClass 2021 Recommendations

Based on the record registrations for this fall, here’s our recommendations to increase your UGotClass registrations and income in 2021.

Membership Strong

Even during these tough times of budget cuts and reduced income, LERN Members are staying with LERN, and staying strong.

What LERN Has Done For You Recently

LERN Membership continues to be strong. Here’s what LERN has done for you recently. We got more good stuff comin at ya this fall.