A new independent study has shown that LERN Members have 10% higher registrations than non-members.

Happy News

News you might not have seen to keep your hopes up, and your work strong, during the pandemic.

This is Personal

Many of your LERN staff have had personal experience with the protests and police action, being located in the Twin Cities metro area. And one of our staff on the west coast had a first floor shop in her apartment building looted. So this is personal for many of your LERN staff.

All Eyes on Fall

What to offer, when, what about online, and the print brochure huge issues facing every lifelong learning program right now.  Fall 2020 will be like no other session, what they call “unprecedented.” 

LERN Summer News

Continuing to lead the field of lifelong learning programming during the pandemic, and after, here’s the latest news about LERN.  The 7 top highlights.

Ramp up Fall online now!

Now is the time to plan your offerings and promotion for Fall UGotClass certificates and courses.  Unless you are Top 25 Partner (you’re not, so keep reading) here’s what to offer to maximize your income and revenue from online.

New! Hot! Data Science Online

The most popular new skill set in North America right now is Data Science.  UGotClass has just added a whole new Data Science category of four certificates (12 courses) to the fall line up.

UGotClass Demo

Regular free UGotClass Briefing webinars are now being held for people interested in becoming a Partner. 


Exclusive to LERN members, LERN is producing both webinars and articles with Recommendations on the top issues for your program right now.

What’s New at LERN

Huge attendance at our almost-daily webinars, new research into the top pandemic issues for member programs, and a new plan to ramp up your program with online are the top 3 services for members this month. Here’s the list.

New Brochure Crisis

Perhaps because of the budget woes the pandemic has produced, central administrators are starting to revisit a disastrous move that almost killed the entire field of lifelong learning over the past five years. 

Why Your Testimonials Count

Thanks for the many testimonials we have been getting from our pandemic special webinars, information and Exclusive Members-Only Recommendations. 

Ramp Up Online

Online, even after the pandemic, will keep growing.  Online now needs to be a part of your offerings moving forward. 

FREE Webinars

Free webinars for you, teachers in your institution and even your customers in your community are now being held almost daily by LERN.

Do Your Online Courses Suck?

If your students start to fall off in participation.  If your teachers ask how to improve their courses. If you are planning to keep doing online courses past the next two months.