You can bring any of the LERN Institutes to your area of the country. All Institutes are available for a flat fee, and you can recruit as many people as you want to attend.

Onsite Institutes have been sponsored by the University of Minnesota, the University of Connecticut, Montgomery College, EnterpriseOhio, the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education and others.

You can have as many of your own staff members attend as you wish. In addition, you can promote the Institute, charge a fee, and pay for the Institute with the income. Some sponsors have even made money on a LERN Institute.

A LERN Institute is unique. LERN is the only fully staffed national and international organization in the world specializing in the practical, how-to aspects of running lifelong learning programs. Only LERN has experts who do consulting, writing, speaking and research full time. Only LERN does national statistical research to determine the benchmarks for success and only LERN has real, hard numbers and ratios.

LERN provides the faculty, manuals and readings, and presenter travel and accommodation arrangements. You provide the room and audio-visual equipment. You decide how many people will attend. We have suggested fees for advertising the program based on the experience of past sponsors, but you can charge as little or as much as you want.

For more information about hosting an Onsite Institute, call (800) 678-5376 or via email at