Summer Camps 2025

What worked and what did not in 2024. The hit new camps and marketing strategies. And what the top summer camp programs are thinking about for Summer Camps 2025.

Now is the time for you to plan your summer camps for 2025. Don’t miss the trends and latest hot tips from your colleagues.

A two part webinar series, available to all.

Planning Summer Camps 2025
Successful summer camp practitioners report on their success this past summer and what they are thinking about for 2025.

Hear them report on their most popular summer camp, biggest surprise, new camps, what worked, what did not work. Then get a heads-up on what these successful programs are thinking about for 2025 as you plan your Summer Camps 2025.

Panel:  Austin Howe, City of Cary, North Carolina; Krista Billingsly, Columbia, Maryland; and Angela Freitag, City of Concord, Concord, California.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
2 pm ET; 1 pm CT; Noon MT; 11 am PT.

Camp Connections
How to work with camp staff who are challenging, especially when you are short on staff. Learning how to know what will work and when to cut your losses.

Your presenter: Carlotta Wade, 20 years of experience with summer camp and youth programming; formerly with Prince George’s Parks and Recreation, Riverside, Maryland.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
2 pm ET; 1 pm CT; Noon MT; 11 am PT.

Keys to Success in Summer Camps
Take back advanced strategies and tips for making your summer camps even more successful. Find out policies and procedures that work.  The best format, best staffing, best camps and best marketing.  There’s plenty of time for questions, so get your toughest questions answered.

Our most popular summer camp presenter is with perhaps the biggest summer camp program in the country, with more than $3 million in income just for summer camps.

Your presenter: Danielle Bassett is Special Events & Youth Camps Manager with Howard County Recreation & Parks, Columbia, Maryland
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
2 pm ET; 1 pm CT; Noon MT; 11 am PT.

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