Here’s a LERN pricing tip that Carolyn Madzar of Marlborough, MA said made her an additional $1,800 in profit twice a year from just one class. That would be more than $10,000 over three years not just in more income, but pure profit. Here’s what she told other LERN members this month in our online institute.
“I went to my second LERN conference in Orlando last year and attended a pricing session. Here was my situation:
I ran an Auto Damage Appraiser class that maxed at 18 students with a course fee of $395 and a well-respected instructor in the field. I also had a wait list with 15 students. The instructor could only teach one class a semester.
One of the strategies LERN mentioned was how to increase the course fee. So I increased the fee to $495 the next semester. I filled the class again with a waitlist of 6.
I have become a believer! Thank you LERN!”
Of course, just that one tip more than paid for the entire LERN conference for Ms. Madzar and her program. But there’s more good news:
- She, and you, can use LERN pricing tips to increase income without losing registrations for many of your courses.
- The LERN annual conference has dozens of other money making tips and techniques that can also make your program thousands of dollars a year. Since you will keep on using LERN techniques for years to come, that means your program can make over $10,000 just by coming to the conference.
It’s why people from successful programs keep coming to the LERN Annual Conference. And why your program cannot afford not to come.