Get the benchmarks, comparisons and data from your fellow programs in the same institutional setting. Dashboard Level 1 is FREE, even for non-member programs.
Coming soon! Dashboard Level 2. Keep reading to find out about Level 2.
Dashboard Level 1
For Dashboard Level 1, we ask 5 quick multiple choice questions. We ask for a range, so you don’t even need exact data.
For Community Colleges, click here.
For Public Schools, click here.
For Recreation Departments, email info@lern.org Subject line: Dashboard.
For Universities, email info@lern.org. Subject line: Dashboard.
Coming soon! Dashboard Level 2
Coming next are five simple checklists. You check Yes-or-No for each one. The checklists are:
-Course Finances Checklist
-Operations Checklist
-Customer Service Checklist
-Brochure Checklist
-Website Checklist
Again, with Dashboard Level 2 you will get the benchmarks, comparisons and data from your fellow programs in the same institutional setting, and LERN recommendations. Only Active LERN Members will have access to the Dashboard Level 2. If you are an Active LERN Member, the Dashboard Level 2 will be Free, no additional charge.