New Advisory: with our Certificate in Data Analysis both our most popular courses and certificate for Fall 2014, we are now recommending all UGotClass Partners offer this hot trend certificate from UGotClass. Here’s a sample press release to send out to your local media.
Data analysis has emerged as a hot trend in the workplace and is now one of the biggest new skills for the 21st century. So says John Rutledge, a data analysis expert, business consultant and instructor of a popular new online certificate in data analysis for &Your Organization’s Name&.
“We have had all this data. Now we can do something with it,” says Rutledge notes. “Data analysis is an integral part of a business organization’s drive for efficiency. It can help increase income or decrease expenses. It also drives efficiency in the use of people’s time,” he says.
Rutledge reports that data analysis is a new skill for workers in just about every kind or organization, including small business, large corporations, non-profits, entrepreneurs, healthcare, even government. “Some people want to make data analysis a career, but a lot more people see it as part of their job,” Rutledge reports on those taking his popular online Certificate in Data Analysis.
Rutledge, of Guelph, Ontario, teaches the first course in the three one-month online course program that also provides participants who complete a certificate suitable for framing. Other instructors are Mary Dereshiwsky of Flagstaff, Arizona, and Jeff Kritzer of Kearney, Nebraska.
Participants come from all over Canada and the United States. They log into the online classroom any time day or evening, as often as they wish, and participate as little or as much as they want, says &Your name& of &Your Organization&. The average learner participates two to three times a week and spends about 2 to 4 hours a week on the courses.
The Certificate in Data Analysis is offered four times a year. For more information and to register, contact &Name or Office& at &Your Organization’s Name& &phone number and/or website address&.