LERN members and customers are flocking to LERN events this fall.
Baltimore attendance looking good.
The LERN Annual Conference in Baltimore is on schedule for another big turnout. Some 800 people are expected. The conference will feature more Roundtables led by your colleagues, theme sessions on New Skills for the 21st Century, the most advanced practical how-to info, and much more.
Fall Institutes break record.
Record attendance has been posted for our Fall Institutes, which are all online. Participate any day, anytime, from any computer.
Summer Camp 2017 Webinars a Hit!
More than 90 people are participating in our new four-part webinar series on Summer Camps for 2017. We are really excited.
For info on these or any LERN events, just call us at (800) 678-5376 or email Tammy at info@lern.org.