The study confirms what LERN found some years ago that LERN members have 10% higher registrations than non-members. For 75% of you, that means we are generating $25,000 or more each and every year due strictly to your LERN membership.
The ROI on your LERN membership is fantastic! There’s no other way to get that kind of ROI for your program.
The study was done by Augusoft, a leading registration software company. It looked at the hard data – – actual registrations in its own system for its users – – and found that programs that are LERN members had 10% higher registrations than programs that are non-users.
When put into dollars, it amounts to $25,000 or more in additional income for some 75% of our members.
When put into people terms, it means that around 500,000 people in the United States and Canada are taking a class each year because of LERN.
LERN members are renewing at record numbers in the last two years, another clear indicate our members know that ROI is huge.