This year’s two new LERN Recommendations are that EVERY program should offer classes for:*Boomers.*Kids and Youth. Even programs focused on professional development and workforce development can reap the rewards from programming to Boomers as well as to Kids and Youth. The reason is money, both for your program and to your other financial contributions to
No other conference has it.New! “Innovations 2025” is an exclusive report for organizations attending this year’s 2025 Annual Conference. You get the report on the pioneering breakthrough innovations in the last twelve months: 1. Authentic Programming A new strategy to customize and create new programming for different neighborhoods and communities. 2. No-Cost 5 Step SEO
From over 40 great tips from LERN members, our consultants picked the 9 Best Ideas for this year. Here they are, with links to 2-4 minute videos for more information. #1 Increase spending on marketing for classes that are already doing well.Click here for more information #2 Do Instagram reels of 15-30 second
For programs having trouble finding quality local AI instructors for your in-person classes. Get our online “AI Certificate” in your next print brochure. Our online faculty will take care of your customers. Bring this critical workplace and professional development skill to your community. Click here for the full description. Our “AI Certificate” premiered in February
Get the benchmarks, comparisons and data from your fellow programs in the same institutional setting. Dashboard Level 1 is FREE, even for non-member programs. Coming soon! Dashboard Level 2. Keep reading to find out about Level 2. Dashboard Level 1For Dashboard Level 1, we ask 5 quick multiple choice questions. We ask for a range,
From award winning LERN members, here are three Best Practices this year. Best Staffing Practice Recruitment and retention of staff, including part-time and temporary summer staff, is now one of the top issues in the field. A Recruitment Fair is one key element in a new initiative by the most innovative programs to nurture
This spring we celebrate the achievements of Jill Korsok, our chief elected officer of the LERN Board of Directors for 2024 – 2025. Ms. Korsok is a recreation professional with, and Director of, Orange Community Education and Recreation in Pepper Pike, Ohio. She showed, once again, how professionals with Recreation Departments have created initiatives and
Registrations are strong for two big events for universities and community colleges this spring. New. Pathways: Noncredit to Credit A hot topic, you get the experience and successful practice from two leading continuing educators who have had big success with developing Pathway programs at their institutions. Join Gloria Smith of Dallas College, Dallas, TX; and
A new community college research report finds that a minimum of 5% of noncredit students later become a credit or degree student at the same college within four years. Download the report here. “The implications for community colleges are significant,” concludes Julie Coates, Senior Vice President for LERN and the report’s lead researcher. The LERN
If anything, the buzz over AI in the field of lifelong learning programming is growing. Bold new predictions about AI’s use for programs were announced by Dan Belhassen, North America’s guru on etools. An annual conference hit for over ten years, Belhassen made these remarks and predictions at this year’s conference. The 5 most notable
New financial contributions you make to your institution have been discovered. You and your program make more financial contributions to your institution than central administrators know about and measure. In a blockbuster breakthrough this fall, Laura Stevens Matchett of Traverse City, MI, unearthed three new financial contributions many programs make to their institution. She received
Rewriting course descriptions with Chat GPT is one of the top uses for AI right now. That according to polls taken at a discussion about AI led by Billie Diaz of Palatine, IL; and Scott Silverman of Santa Monica, CA. What Platforms You Use Some 150 professionals responded to the question, “What AI platforms
Enticing rewards highlight a new campaign kicking off this month. Members get your choice of one of the following:1.Half price dues for the next two years; OR2.Free LERN Institute registration, worth $800. The new member you recruit also gets rewarded for joining LERN.The new member, or a previous member whose membership expired prior
It is an exciting time to be in the field of lifelong learning programming. *The importance of lifelong learning to society has never been greater. * The importance of your program to your institution has never been greater. *The opportunity to serve more of your community has never been more needed. Here’s the State of
Some 1,500 people attended the largest conference in the world in lifelong learning programming and continuing education this year. Even better, there were new pioneering breakthrough sessions and techniques that advanced the field. They will be researched and reported on by LERN throughout the coming year. Numbers: Attendees: 1,500 Number attending Sessions: 9,886 Average Number