New! Optimizing Brochure Layout

Find out how relocating even a few courses in your print brochure can generate tens of thousands of dollars in additional revenue and profit. No-cost tips on the right pages and page locations to place your best classes to optimize registrations.

In-Person Wave Starts

Here’s the latest from your colleagues around North America, from just-held LERN Leader meetings.


New! Survey Responses Needed

Answers to one of the most popular questions LERN members ask: How Many Responses Do I Need to a Survey?

New! Integrated Marketing

“Integrated Marketing Certificate” leads off the new LERN/UGotClass Courses premiering in September.

LERN Member Retreat Coming

Tell us what’s on your mind. Find out what your colleagues are thinking about.

Feel Good Story

Here’s our latest LERN heroine story.

You must have a strategic plan supported by a one-year business plan.

Preparing for the WAVE

A wave of in-person registrations is expected for lifelong learning programs. But many programs, having just had cutbacks and fewer resources, are not prepared.

New! April Events

Two big new events are taking place in April. Check em out.

Confusion a Crisis?

There’s too much confusion and misinformation revolving around lifelong learning programs and continuing education, says LERN President William A. Draves.

Young/Old Split

Children, youth and their parents want to get back to in-person classes, LERN leaders unanimously agreed in recent meetings.

COVID Takes Top LERNie

Laura Wetherald, a Senior LERN Leader, past Chair of the LERN Recreation Council, and one of the leading recreation professionals in the field, passed away recently due to COVID.

What You’re Doing Right

From our exclusive survey of lifelong learning programs, here’s the top things you are doing right in 2021.

Triple Your Return

It takes no time. And it doesn’t cost anything more.

Gain a 21st Century skill for the rest of your career.