Move Up to Premier Benefits. There’s no additional charge; just register for the LERN Annual Conference, Nov 18-21, 2024; Online.
New 2025 benefits:
*Cohort Consulting.
Ask your toughest question. Then listen while your colleagues ask their most pressing questions. Take home all the answers.
*Save 20% on Promotion.
For U.S. members, LERN can save 20% on your print brochure costs and distribution. We analyze your data by carrier route, not zip code. The result saves you money without losing registrations, and often increasing registration. Oue Exclusive software does the trick.
You also get priority in Home Page Analysis recommendations and Print Brochure Critiques. This year every Organization attending last year’s conference received a Home Page analysis and recommendation plus print brochure critique.
The LERN Conference is Guaranteed to produce $20,000 or more in income or saved costs. Now you get Premier Membership at No-Additional-Cost. Premier Membership delivers added tens of thousands of dollars for you. Just register for the Annual Conference. We know you want to.