A new category of online courses for you to reach a new audience: parents. The new courses start in 2015. Start promoting them now.

Cathy Noonan, Chair of the LERN Board of Directors, initiating this new category of UGotClass courses for Recreation Departments to offer. Any Partner can offer them.
You will learn how to accommodate your children’s academic and social-emotional needs both at home and school, while staying sane in the process.
One month; Steve Schroeder-Davis, $145
A Parent’s Guide to the IEP
Find out what an Individual Educational Program or Plan (IEP) is. Understand these rights and learn how to assure your child is receiving the accommodation she or he needs.
One-month; Jeff Kritzer; $145
Gender in the Classroom
Help your son or daughter learn more, and succeed more, in school. Take away tips for helping your daughter and/or son learn more, and tips to help him and/or her succeed more in school.
One month; Julie Coates and William A. Draves, $145
Students with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
For parents of children who have been diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder. Find out how to work effectively with your child to create the most positive learning environment.
One month; Julie Coates; $145
Dementia for Family Caregivers
Designed for family caregivers dealing with Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular dementia, Lewy-Body Dementia or other conditions which cause significant memory problems.
One month; Pamela K. Atwood; $149
Success with Aging Parents
Know more about taking care of your loved one.. You will get essential information that caregivers or care partners need to know as you care for an older adult.
One month; Pamela K. Atwood, $149
For full course descriptions, or to offer any of these courses, just email Zech at zech@lern.org