Selling contracts requires one or more staff dedicating the majority of their time to selling, instead of being responsible for finding instructors, selecting curriculum, and implementing the contracts they sell.
In order to support sales people, Kirkwood Community College Continuing Education & Training Services (CETS) added a position responsible for providing product/service development support.
The sales person sells and then hands off the contract to the product development staff person to line up the instructor, finalizing curriculum, and work with operations staff on materials ordering and other logistics tasks. CETS is letting their revenue generators generate revenue, thus increasing contract sales revenue.
On June 14-17, 2016, LERN will be hosting the LERN Best Practices Summit at Kirkwood Community College. Continuing Education & Training Services (CETS) is one of the most successful North American lifelong learning programs. Each month we are highlighting a best practice CETS will be sharing at the Summit.
If you want to learn more about what makes CETS so successful, consider joining the CETS team when they host a LERN Best Practices Summit, June 14-17, 2016.