You made enormous contributions to your community and audience this year. You stressed out. You lost money. People bitched. Yet your sacrifice has paid off in ways you know not.
“There is certain language and are words we don’t use at LERN. At the top of the list is the word 2020,” said LERN’s Julie Coates to two people new to LERN who laughed out loud. Yes, you made it.
You added emotional wellness, and escape, and family, and taking care of others, and hope, and of course safety to the normal learning and fun experience with your classes and offerings.
And on top of it, you kept your program’s partnership with LERN alive. You recognized that LERN is critical to the field. Your ROI from LERN skyrocketed from 10% more registrations and income to 20% more registrations and income.
Thank you for your work this year. You did good.