Testimonials are the best marketing. The abundance of neighbors-talking-over-the-fence in commercials is proof enough that testimonials work. In our field of lifelong learning, testimonials are seen as authentic. They are recognized by potential participants as actually coming from a real past customer (as they always do).
Include testimonials in email promotions, as videos, as social media posts, on your website, and of course in every print brochure.
Your Testimonial Problems
Testimonials are also probably the most underused marketing technique in our field. From the hundreds of brochures LERN reviews annually, the hundreds of your websites visited, there has been virtually no brochure, website or any other promotion that has too many testimonials. We don’t use testimonials, the best marketing, enough.
And you do not use testimonials effectively.
Too many testimonials in our field:
*Do not inspire
*Are too long
*Do not properly identify the person providing the testimonial.
Turn your testimonials into more effective marketing with our simple how-to guidelines, starting now.
For more, see the Sept-Oct 2024 issue of your LERN print newsletter. For all individuals with Active LERN Members. If you want a PDF of it, just email Roy or Gale at info@lern.org