The top ideas for achieving goals in 2018, as chosen by your LERN Leaders.
#5 Encourage and allow staff to dedicate time to professional development. Suggested by Scott River, Olympia, WA.
#4 Create manuals for core processes so everyone knows how key tasks are completed, such as registration, cancellations, refunds, hiring, etc. Suggested by Michael Seppi, Ellisville, MO.
#3 Check in frequently with your team. Explain the ‘Why’ to your team. Suggested by Christina Swets, Glencoe, IL.
#2 Take small steps towards bigger goals. You’ll be amazed how a little momentum goes a long way! Suggested by Scott River, Olympia, WA
#1 Remember to keep your “why” or your end goal in sight. It helps cut through unnecessary layers that can sidetrack you from results. Suggested by Beth Pinargote, Glencoe, IL
From a list of the top 40 ideas from the last big LERN conference, a panel of 15 LERN Leaders voted on the top five. All five, interestingly, had to do with team building and accomplishing goals.
Photo taken by LERN Staff, El Combate Beach, Puerto Rico, January 31, 2018.