Only 20% of programs have a slogan or tagline on the cover of the brochure, LERN consultant Jordan Kivley has found.
Both slogans and taglines grab the reader’s interest. Marketing experts confirm that the key to generating engagement with your promotions is through eliciting an emotional response, which both slogans and taglines can do. And you have just 3 seconds, the experts say, to get enough attention to pursue your program more.
A slogan is used repeatedly to brand your program with the public. It is used in email, website, and brochures. In the brochure, it is best placed on the cover of the brochure, on pages 2-3, or on the back cover.
Here are three slogans from LERN member programs that create interest and hold the reader’s attention:
*Your Journey Starts Here
*Your Future Begins Today
*Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It
These slogans do three important things. They establish the identity of your brand. They cause the reader to pause, if ever so slightly, to consider and process the message, and they imply a promise of success. Market research has found that on average, when people encounter your brochure they spend about three seconds looking at it before they either open it or move on.
Taglines are used only once with your brochure. It always appears on the brochure cover. And the best taglines refer to and complement the image on your brochure cover. Often a tagline is also a clever turn of phrase, a familiar statement or is humorous.
Tie the tagline to the image on your brochure cover. It creates a dual message with both image and text, giving you a bigger bang. Some great taglines:
*Power up with Class
*Take the train to success
*Performance minded business solutions
*Squeeze more out of summer
*Catch the energy of learning together
One can almost imagine the images that go with each tagline.