Find out how relocating even a few courses in your print brochure can generate tens of thousands of dollars in additional revenue and profit. No-cost tips on the right pages and page locations to place your best classes to optimize registrations.
One LERN member moved just four courses and gained an additional $90,000, they reported, following these Exclusive LERN Recommendations.
Get our Big ROI webinar on “Optimizing Brochure Layout” at no cost.
Just register for the popular exciting LERN Virtual Conference by August 15.
Click here for full conference information and to register.
Register by August 15 and you will automatically be included in the “Optimizing Brochure Layout” webinar.
Optimizing Brochure Layout Webinar
Wednesday August 18, 2021
2 pm ET; 1 pm CT; Noon MT; 11 am PT
Can’t make the live version? No problem.
The webinar will be recorded for you and your staff to view later.
Budget the conference now. Then register by August 15.
This webinar alone will give you a 10:1 ROI on the conference.
Just in time for your 2022 winter-spring brochure planning this fall.
Acquire no-cost proven tips to generate more registrations and more income.
Last year over 2,000 people attended the big LERN Virtual Conference.
The average organization sent 20 people.
November 15-18, 2021.
One low fee of $1,795 for as many people from your organization as you wish.
Click here for full conference information and to register.