Staying ahead of the curve, you will be receiving new services from LERN in 2025.
Here’s a list of the top 5 projects. Your LERN staff will be working with members and cutting edge programs. Here’s what you have coming in new best practices and services.
1.Instructor Costs.
For the first time ever, you will have data for instructor costs by institutional setting and size of community served.
2.Grand ReOpening of the LERN Club.
Exclusive to members, a wealth (literally) of information becomes available. Find out the questions your colleagues are asking LERN, and the answers. Look at the ‘Must Read’ article of the month with the most important info of the year. And much more.
3.Dashboard Level 1.
Free and available to all, even non-members, the Dashboard will tell you where you stand on six key numbers:
-Comparison to Last Year
-Cancellation Rate
-Marketing budget
-Instructor costs.
Finally, the field will have averages and numbers for what the Top 25% of programs are doing. All this by institutional setting and size of community, of course.
4.Dashboard Level 2.
For LERN members only, a whole new set of benchmarks by which you can compare your program and get a checklist of current best practices. Easy to enter checklists come with results with where you stand and what the Top 25% of programs are doing. Checklists:
-Customer Service
-Home Pages
-Course Finances
5.Q&A and Free Reports
Ask us any question, any time. Your LERN consulting staff provide immediate quick responses.
New Free Reports are being written right now.
All this, and more, coming in addition to your Free webinars, Print newsletters, Monthly e-Newsletters, Interest Groups, Discounts, Survey results, Leadership opportunities, Virtual gatherings, Benchmarks data. At least six individuals with your organization receive all these benefits.