This post originally appeared on Jan. 25, 2014. If you would like information on the 2015 Executive Leadership Institutes, please click here.
It’s not too late to attend our three events in Tucson April 23-25, 2014 at the fantastic Westward Look Resort with three outdoor swimming pools, walking trails, and poolside dining.
As the official weather forecast for April indicates, if you are living in the northern states, you will continue to have below normal temperatures. Then look at Tucson, Arizona, with delightfully warm temperatures. Miss 80 degree weather? Come and get it.
Choose from:
Executive Leadership Institute: The 30 Essential CEO Skills
Advanced strategic planning for CEOs, decision makers and future leaders in lifelong learning. Stay on the cutting edge of strategic planning and thinking, acquire the benchmarks and ratios needed to keep your administration informed and supportive, and take away the materials to review and improve your own operations and organization. You will get unique content sessions in this Institute not available anywhere else.
Executive Leadership Institute: The Next Five Years
Building on the Executive Leadership Institute with the 30 essential CEO skills for continuing education leaders, LERN updates you on the latest trends, news, issues, challenges and opportunities that continuing education CEOs should be thinking about in the next five years, including our exclusive never-fail predictions for the field. A proven popular formula that has received great evaluations from CEOs in our past Institutes, you get a mix of visionary conceptual topics and practical operational techniques.
C.E. and Credit Institute
There is a huge need, demand and interest for more credit programming in continuing education units. The majority of workers do not have a college degree or credentials, yet by 2018, 63 percent of all jobs will require post-secondary education. The demand for workers with college educations will outpace supply by 300,000 per year by 2018.
This Executive Institute is aimed at continuing educators from both four-year and two-year institutions. The information has been found to be relevant by continuing educators in universities, four-year colleges, community colleges and other two-year institutions.
Just click on the above title for complete online information, download the brochure, and access registration.
Or call us toll free at (800) 678-5376 (LERN) and talk to Tammy. Or email her at