Still Buzz Over AI
If anything, the buzz over AI in the field of lifelong learning programming is growing. Bold new predictions about AI’s use for programs were announced by Dan Belhassen, North America’s guru on etools. An annual conference hit for over ten years, Belhassen made these remarks and predictions at this year’s conference. The 5 most notable
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New Revenue Discovered
New financial contributions you make to your institution have been discovered. You and your program make more financial contributions to your institution than central administrators know about and measure. In a blockbuster breakthrough this fall, Laura Stevens Matchett of Traverse City, MI, unearthed three new financial contributions many programs make to their institution. She received
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How You Use AI
Rewriting course descriptions with Chat GPT is one of the top uses for AI right now. That according to polls taken at a discussion about AI led by Billie Diaz of Palatine, IL; and Scott Silverman of Santa Monica, CA. What Platforms You Use Some 150 professionals responded to the question, “What AI platforms
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Enticing rewards highlight a new campaign kicking off this month. Members get your choice of one of the following:1.Half price dues for the next two years; OR2.Free LERN Institute registration, worth $800. The new member you recruit also gets rewarded for joining LERN.The new member, or a previous member whose membership expired prior
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The State of Lifelong Learning 2025
It is an exciting time to be in the field of lifelong learning programming. *The importance of lifelong learning to society has never been greater. * The importance of your program to your institution has never been greater. *The opportunity to serve more of your community has never been more needed. Here’s the State of
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Huge Success!
Some 1,500 people attended the largest conference in the world in lifelong learning programming and continuing education this year. Even better, there were new pioneering breakthrough sessions and techniques that advanced the field. They will be researched and reported on by LERN throughout the coming year. Numbers: Attendees: 1,500 Number attending Sessions: 9,886 Average Number
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New! Authentic Programming
Stop pushing your existing courses to underserved and diverse neighborhoods. Instead, start creating unique and customized classes for different neighborhoods. That’s what Aviva Hillenbrand and her staff have done in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The concept is called “Authentic Programming,” and it works fantastic. The practice was announced in a breakthrough session attended by hundreds of people
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You Asked. You Got It.
The In-Person conference is coming to exciting Riverwalk in San Antonio March 18-20, 2025. Experience the intimate networking and discussion with your colleagues and leaders in the field. We will be right on the famous Riverwalk, which offers a casual setting in the middle of the history and tradition of old San Antonio. Theme: Expanding Horizons:
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Your New Year’s Solution
Staying ahead of the curve, you will be receiving new services from LERN in 2025. Here’s a list of the top 5 projects. Your LERN staff will be working with members and cutting edge programs. Here’s what you have coming in new best practices and services. 1.Instructor Costs. For the first time ever, you will
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Gen Z the Best Managers
Gen Z may be the best generation of managers for the workplace of the 21st Century, according to Julie Coates, one of the foremost authorities on generations. “Gen Z managers know that no one is normal,” she states. “Success depends on embracing individual differences and turning those differences into assets that can build organizations. We
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Pioneering Sessions
Here’s what new and pioneering sessions lead the advanced practical how-to sessions for the LERN Annual Conference, Nov. 18-21, 2024. -Authentic Programming, with Aviva Hillenbrand; Minneapolis, MN -No-cost Search Optimization, with Goher Murtaza, CPP; New York, NY -Using Social Media for Needs Assessment, with Travette Webster, Houston, TX -Data-based Email Promotions, with Dawn Prosser; Frederickton,
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No Excuses: You Must Be Data-Driven
The new LERN Dashboard has changed the field of lifelong learning and continuing education forever. You must be data-driven now. For the first time ever, your program has No-Excuses. You now have the numbers, the averages, the benchmarks for what your program can achieve. You can see what the Top 25% of programs in your
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2025 In-Person Conference
Experience the intimate networking and discussion with your colleagues and leaders in the field. The LERN 2025 in-person conference will be March 18-20, 2025, in San Antonio, Texas. We will be right on the famous Riverwalk. The hotel offers a casual setting in the middle of the history and tradition of old San Antonio. The
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Grab Attention with Slogans and Tag Lines
Only 20% of programs have a slogan or tagline on the cover of the brochure, LERN consultant Jordan Kivley has found. Both slogans and taglines grab the reader’s interest. Marketing experts confirm that the key to generating engagement with your promotions is through eliciting an emotional response, which both slogans and taglines can do. And
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The Best Marketing: Testimonials
Testimonials are the best marketing. The abundance of neighbors-talking-over-the-fence in commercials is proof enough that testimonials work. In our field of lifelong learning, testimonials are seen as authentic. They are recognized by potential participants as actually coming from a real past customer (as they always do). Include testimonials in email promotions, as videos, as social
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New Services This Year
Leading the field, here are some of the exclusive new LERN member services being developed and offered for 2025. 1.Interest Group Networking. Individuals with member organizations can sign up for one or more Interest Groups at no charge. This year each Interest Group will meet online up to 3 times to network, hear from top
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Gen Z the Best Managers
Gen Z may be the best generation of managers for the workplace of the 21st Century, according to Julie Coates, one of the foremost authorities on generations. “Gen Z managers know that no one is normal,” she states. “Success depends on embracing individual differences and turning those differences into assets that can build organizations. We
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Move Up to Premier Benefits. There’s no additional charge; just register for the LERN Annual Conference, Nov 18-21, 2024; Online. New 2025 benefits: *Cohort Consulting. Ask your toughest question. Then listen while your colleagues ask their most pressing questions. Take home all the answers. *Save 20% on Promotion. For U.S. members, LERN can save 20%
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Join the Elite200
Starting in 2025, UGotClass will limit the number of UGotClass Partners to an Elite 200 Organizations. Join us now. UGotClass is Superior.Quality.Education. “We want to work with a select group of programs in branding and marketing,” announced Brendan Marsello, the LERN Vice President in charge of UGotClass. “All LERN members and partners say UGotClass is
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School Grading Now Haunting the Economy
Inaccurate school and college grading is now damaging the economy. The obsolete grading system denies college to 2 million smart students every year. In just the last few months, we are now seeing the effects to the economy and society. -Colleges closing an average of once a week. -Over a million fewer students in college
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Do Summer. Think Fall.
Train Staff Now. Some 50% of staff in the field have not been trained to do their jobs. The result is needless wasted staff time, increased costs and lost revenue. Training always pays off. Every study proves that. Everyone on your staff needs to know the benchmarks, ratios and best practices. Even non-members call it
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New! Advanced Programming Institute
You only make money in two ways: by marketing, and by creating new classes and programs. Move up your game by attending the Advanced Programming Institute. And become a Certified Professional Programmer (C2P). It starts September 9 and runs to October 31. The Programmer’s Job Programming Key Concepts Program Finances Needs Assessment Developing New Courses
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It All Starts Here
The new best practices in the field are first introduced at the LERN Annual Conference, Nov. 18 -21, 2024; online. It makes the event the most important week of the year in lifelong learning. Among the advanced new sessions this year: -Getting Staff Buy-In for Process Changes -Cut Pages, Not Registrations -Leverage Social Media for
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New LERN Recommendation
The latest LERN Recommendation. Only put faces on the cover of your brochures. Across the marketing and advertising industry, faces have been proven- – with scientific A/B split tests- – to attract and engage readers more than any other kind of images. There’s no reason to have anything less productive on your cover. Tips: -Only
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Summer Camps 2025
Not now. But in September it will be the best time to plan your Summer Camps 2025. Summer Camps are one of the most profitable events of the year. You cannot afford to miss out on any of the latest trends and success stories. Once again, we tap into the expertise and experience of the
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In-Person Conference 2025
Mark your calendars! Get ready. LERN’s in-person conference will be held right on the famous Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX, March 18-20, 2025. It’s designed for an interactive and more intimate conference experience. Along with presentations, you will have networking and discussions with your colleagues on the top issues of the coming year. The conference
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The 7 Top Issues in 2024
LERN member programs named the top issues in the field today in last month’s exciting Virtual Gatherings. The leading issues for lifelong learning programs today: *Relationship Marketing *Articulating Your Value *Leading Gen Z *Utilizing AI *Wellness for your staff *Emergency Safety Responses *Solutions to Staffing Shortages The 7 top issues will all be addressed in
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New Service ‘Class Rank’
Now your online students and their employers can find out “where they stand” after taking a certificate from UGotClass. UGotClass jumps out ahead of the for-profit competition even more with this new educational service to add to its superior quality classes. In the new economy, employers and employees alike are interested in skill and knowledge
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Gen Z May Be the Best Managers
Gen Z may be the best generation of managers for the workplace of the 21st Century, according to Julie Coates, one of the foremost authorities on generations. “Gen Z managers know that no one is normal,” she states. “Success depends on embracing individual differences and turning those differences into assets that can build organizations. We
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New Opportunity with Wellness
The Wellness Crisis in society has opened up a new opportunity for lifelong learning programs. Employers and managers in the workplace are now acutely aware of the issue, and the impact wellness has on employee productivity and workforce satisfaction. Companies and work organizations are now eager for wellness activities for their people, and are looking
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LERN’s Latest Greatest
The latest and greatest LERN News on what LERN has planned for you coming up. Photo: The LERN staff hold a retreat in Puerto Rico earlier this year. New Chair Extends Dashboard Jill Korsok, Director of Orange Community Education in Pepper Pike, Ohio, became the new Chair of the LERN Board of Directors this spring.
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New! Intro to AI
For you, and your community, the new online class starts September with Betsy Flanagan, Fortune 500 consultant, as instructor. “Introduction to ChatGPT” is one of the new UGotClass courses starting this fall. The difference between UGotClass and the for-profits is the instructor. Click Here for the course description and agenda. Check out Betsy Flanagan’s resume:
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2024 Directions
The 5 big new directions for 2024 were outlined by the 50 best experts and 1,491 professionals leading the field at the LERN conference, now the most important week of the year. These were the hottest topics for discussion and exploration, and research by LERN for your program.
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Finally, Your Dashboard
A dashboard with the 6 most vital statistics is now available. You can now find out where your program stands. Compare your program to the average. Even more importantly, compare your program to the Top 25% of programs. And compare your program’s stats to the LERN recommendation.
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AI Arrives
“AI is the wild west,” summarized Danessa Gray of Bremerton, Washington. Most professionals agreed with that statement. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has clearly arrived for the field of lifelong learning programming and continuing education.
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The 3 Hottest Marketing Tips of the Year
Here’s the 3 hottest marketing tips of the year, as voted on by your colleagues at the big LERN Annual Conference.
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Huge Success!
With 1,491 people participating, the LERN Annual Conference was a huge success. The average participant attended 8.6 sessions, up from 7 sessions attended last year.
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2 Keys to Staff Shortages
Organizations may have the answers to their own staff shortages, according to two surveys of current staff.
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More Good News
The registration wave continued. Registrations are back to the pre-pandemic normal. As usual LERN members had 10% higher registrations than non-members.
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Wanted: Your Leadership
Leaders are needed more than ever. There’s a leader demand at work for the field of lifelong learning and continuing education. Your leadership is also welcome for the community and your off-work time with community organizations, efforts, tasks and groups.
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Next In-Person Conferences
March 2024 will see two in-person conferences. Both are focused on a more intimate setting ideal for networking and face-to-face interaction and discussion.
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Will the World End Soon?
Will the human race end soon due to climate change? In the first ever poll of professionals in the field, here is what you say. And what LERN plans to do.
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Hot! Engaged Sessions
Discover a whole new learning experience, then use LERN’s original new Engaged Session format to redesign some of your activities to be more active and learner engaged.
Virtual Anniversary
LERN celebrates 20 years of being virtual, blowing up our 10,000 square foot national headquarters office in Manhattan, Kansas.
Benefits of Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning is more important to our individual lives, our community and our society than ever before.
Free LERN Member Webinar: Best Data to Collect, Reports to Run
Discover what data to collect and how to generate the reports.
4 Speaking Mistakes
By Craig Valentine, MBA World Champion of Public Speaking Craig Valentine will be the opening keynoter for the big LERN Annual Conference in Baltimore Nov. 16-19, 2016. There are four public speaking pitfalls that trap most presenters. If you want to drastically improve your very next presentation, it is important to understand 4 of the
Breaking News! Watershed Year for Brochures
“This year is a watershed year in brochure design,” ace brochure expert Julie Coates told a standing-room-only webinar audience this summer. “Younger adults want authentic, they want service to the community, they want passion,” she noted. And middle-aged and older adults are just fine with those new trends too. “Gen Yers are designing brochures, and
Measure Programmer Time by Division
Measure the amount of time each of your programmers spend by Division, says Evone Vognsen, Director, Program Development Continuing Education from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She spoke recently at a best practices conference sponsored by LERN. “Data is our world,” she told the packed room. “And we live and breathe operating margin,” she noted. One of
What Managing Up Means to a Millennial
“Helping your boss help you creates vertical cohesion and contributes to efficiency on both ends,” says Christina May, a LERN member with the Chicago Botanic Gardens in Glencoe, Illinois. She will be leading a Roundtable on “Managing Up for Millennials” at the big LERN conference. “Managing up is very important to the success of work
New Operations Tips
From Greg Marsello, who visits lifelong learning programs all over North America every month, here are his 3 latest tips: Standardize First. Lifelong learning programs that have successfully centralized operations have first standardized processes. This way staff can be cross-trained and all be following the same processes. Centralizing without standardizing can cause confusion and reduce
New Webinar: Low and No-Cost Marketing Techniques
Step out of your day-to-day marketing routine and discover a slew of no- and low-cost marketing strategies proven to work. From new social media strategies and unique email techniques to out-of-the-box print promotions, this new webinar, 39 & 1/2 low- or no-cost marketing techniques guaranteed to make your program more money, will deliver more ideas than you
3 Top Tips from Top Partners
Here are 3 top tips from Tom Parfitt and Christina Draper on promoting UGotClass certificates and courses. UGotClass, which is growing at 25% a year, has had its top three registration months in history all take place this spring and summer. Say ‘Online’ Not LERN or UGotClass No need to confuse your customers with a
Quick Marketing Tip
Double Your Fun – – Bring a Friend. Encourage your customers to register a friend for your classes, notes Tom Leaverton, head of marketing for Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He says “bring a friend” very much resonates with Gen Y, and can get more young adults to enroll in your classes. He
Emerging Leaders: Shut Up!
Here are three of the top questions this year emerging leaders are asking in our popular UGotClass online program Certificate in Leadership Development. Q1: How can I as an emerging leader get more visibility? Answer. Yvonne, the desire for visibility is a common misconception among young emerging leaders that usually has very bad results. What
Inner Harbor Delights
The Inner Harbor of Baltimore, the site of the big 2016 LERN Annual Conference Nov. 16-19, delights your colleagues. We know that because our conference was there ten years ago and the 900 attendees raved about the location. So we’re going back. Museums, restaurants, shops and stores, ships, tours, boat rides and music are all
New Skills for the 21st Century
There’s a new organizational skill your organization will need to develop for success in the 21st century, says the SuperStar keynoter at LERN’s big upcoming Annual Conference in Baltimore in November. The skill is strategic agility. “Strategic agility requires at one and the same time a dynamic organization structure and culture and the stability to keep
Breaking News! New Best Customers Discovered
You may have two different lists of Best Customers, a LERN member has just discovered. Lisa Beytien-Carlson, Communications Coordinator, Community Education, District 196, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan, Minnesota, found this new marketing benchmark in working with LERN on an analysis of a second mailing of the print brochure to her Best Customers. Check out the full story
5 Facts: Women and T
Here are the 5 things you and your teachers need to understand about female learning and spatial ability. Thanks to educator Susan Baranek of Helena, Montana, for asking the question, “Have studies been done to see if higher testosterone levels in females leads to better spatial reasoning?” She was a recent participant in our UGotClass
New! Online Recreation Program Institute and CPP Jan. 11 – March 4, 2016 (8 weeks)
The professional development you want; the recognition you deserve About the Online Recreation Program Institute and CPP Online Course: Thousands of professionals have been trained by LERN. Now you can acquire this quality training, education and professional development specific to recreation classes, and at a price that makes it affordable for all your staff to
Three proven ways to get more referrals
Three proven ways to get more referrals Three proven ways to get more referrals Three proven ways to get more referrals Three proven ways to get more referrals